

学校资源 & 合作伙伴

这些资源是为了支持学校艺术团队在创意优势艺术扩展规划的各个阶段, 实施和伙伴关系, 维持你的艺术发展.

teacher working with two elementary students on a clay project



  • 如何组建美术团队
  • 向学校教职员介绍艺术计划(包括和员工一起上艺术课.)



  • 如何使用创新优势合作基金
  • Examples of past Creative Advantage-funded School Arts 合作伙伴hips (posted soon)


这些工具是由一组SPS教师开发的, 学校领导, 教学艺术家和艺术组织管理人员. The team was facilitated by Seattle Art Museum and funded by The Wallace Foundation.



为了建立相关, 一致的, sequential arts learning for students as they advance through their K-12 years, Creative Advantage支持区域和学校的艺术规划,横跨学校的每个K-12途径-小学, 初中和高中在一个馈线模式, 然后为实施这些计划提供资源. 

We support schools in expanding all types of arts learning (arts classes, partnerships and 综合艺术) in all arts disciplines (dance, 文学艺术, 媒体艺术, 音乐, 剧院, 视觉艺术)贯穿整个学校社区(学生), 学校工作人员, 家庭). 




学校艺术团队将首先参加一个3小时的研讨会,了解优质艺术教育的组成部分,并审查他们的学校和地区艺术访问数据. 然后, 在两个, 3-hr school planning meetings that are facilitated by arts leadership coaches, the school arts team will develop an arts vision and an action plan – a multiyear, school-wide road map that outlines decisions about arts staffing, 综合艺术, 专业发展, and how to connect school-community arts partnerships to their school’s goals.


The 7-10 person team should reflect the school’s individual character and community.  邀请人员, parents/guardians and community members already involved in the arts, but also consider inviting those who have not previously shown an interest in the arts. 


  • Who in your school community could be key in moving the arts forward?
  • Who in your school community is committed to equitable access to arts learning?
  • Committed individuals from inside as well as outside the school walls.
  • 有没有特别的父母 & 拥有有用技能的守护者?
  • Are there businesses or arts organizations nearby who could lend support?


  • 学校领导(1名) 要求校长或副校长
  • 美术人员(1-2人)*
  • 非艺术人员(2-3名)* 年级水平和学科专家的组合. Other specialists such as PE and library share schedules with arts, 因此,包括种族平等团队和MTSS团队成员在内的声音可能是有用的.
  • 父母/监护人(1 - 2) -PTA /非PTA成员的组合.  考虑 parents of younger students who will be around for a few years.
  • 学生(2-3) 适用于初中或高中.
  • 社区艺术家/机构(1-2名) -已经在你们学校工作的人.

*该地区每所学校的预算总额为 3名SEA代表艺术委员会委员 for up to 9 hours in the first year and 5 hours in the second year of school arts planning.  If meeting times are outside the contracted day, they will be paid the negotiated rate.  For meetings held during the school day, subs will be funded.   



Students who participate in the arts do better academically, 是否更投入于学习, are less likely to drop out of school and more likely to go on to college, and as adults are more to participate in their community through voting and volunteering. We want young people to have the tools to express themselves and their ideas.

创意优势是一项全市范围的倡议,旨在为所有2024欧洲杯竞猜的学生建立公平的艺术学习机会.  We are building access to arts education for all students by adding arts and 音乐 classes, 将艺术融入其他学科, 创造机会向专业艺术家学习,并让学生参与与文化相关的艺术. 我们这样做是为了增强学生的发言权,加强今天的学校文化,并为明天的职业生涯打开大门.  今年, 我们地区所有的K-12学校, 包括我们学校, are in year one of 创意优势 3-year implementation process.  The focus of this year in on school-based arts vision and action planning. 

今年秋天, 我正在组建一个学校艺术团队,制定一个愿景和行动计划,以确保每个学生都有机会通过艺术学习.  我邀请你加入我们的团队.  它将包括学校工作人员-艺术和非艺术教师, 家庭, 社区艺术伙伴, 和我.  

艺术团队成员将于10月在社区参加一个3小时的工作坊,学习优质艺术教育的组成部分,并自己做一些艺术创作.  然后, 这个冬天, 小组将分两组开会, 3小时的学校规划会议,由一名主要艺术领导教练促进,以制定艺术愿景和行动计划-一个多年, school-wide road map that outlines decisions about arts staffing, 综合艺术, 专业发展, and how to connect school-community arts partnerships to our school’s goals.

请考虑加入我们学校的艺术队.  其他学校的艺术团队成员发现,学校艺术规划的过程和影响是引人入胜和鼓舞人心的. 我知道你会为创造和实施一项艺术计划做出宝贵的贡献,该计划将赋予学生发言权,并增强我们的学校文化.  



创意优势是一项全市范围的倡议,旨在为2024欧洲杯竞猜的每一位学生建立公平的艺术教育机会.  We do this by closing access gaps in elementary art and 音乐 instruction, 培训教师将艺术融入其他学科,并为学生创造机会向专业艺术家学习,从事与文化相关的艺术创作. 这些目标是通过与西雅图充满活力和多样化的教学艺术家和社区艺术组织的伙伴关系来支持的.


合作伙伴hip funds are for payment to arts partners selected from 创意优势艺术合作伙伴名单.

与我们全区的艺术目标一致, 学校与社区艺术伙伴的伙伴关系可分为以下其中一种:

  • 专业发展 为注重高品质的员工服务 艺术集成
  • 教学艺术家 派驻 提供 综合艺术学习 在校期间的经历.
  • 教学艺术家 派驻 提供 文化艺术学习 在校期间的经历.

资金可以用来支付社区艺术伙伴在课堂上提供服务或专业发展的时间, 准备时间, 材料, 行政费用及里程.  资金不能用于支付卫生保健工作人员的时间.

All partnerships must have an approved personal services contract 之前 服务开始.


新北端艺术衔接学校 (Robert Eaglestaff MS和Jane adams MS Feeder Patterns)将于今年秋冬组建艺术团队,指导学校的艺术愿景和行动计划. Please contact your principal if you would like to join the arts team.  1月, 之后的计划, 每所学校将有3美元,000 to spend on arts partnerships in the second semester and $6,明年花6000美元,后年花6000美元.


东南艺术衔接学校 (Aki MS和Mercer MS Feeder Patterns)将有4500美元(加上2018-19年的任何不足支出)用于合作伙伴关系.

西南艺术衔接学校 (Denny MS K-12馈线模式)及 中央艺术衔接学校 (华盛顿MS K-12馈线模式)已经完成了他们的创新优势伙伴关系支持.  Many schools have underspend from the previous year to spend on new partnerships. 如果您想在您的学校或专业发展为您和您的员工建立一个艺术合作伙伴驻留, 与学校的艺术团队保持联系.

How does a school set up a Creative Advantage Arts 合作伙伴hip?

步骤1在你的艺术行动计划会议上, decide what types of partnerships your arts team wants for your students.

考虑将合作关系与学校的艺术愿景或学校C-SIP的目标结合起来.  For example: An all-staff PD on integrating 媒体艺术 into ELA?  A residency that teaches 3rd grade students storytelling through drumming?  用戏剧来传授鲑鱼的生命周期?  可能性是无穷无尽的.


可以按等级频带过滤, arts discipline and other categories such as experience with English Language Learners. 访问创意优势花名册.


描述一下你心目中的项目.  Ask them about their experience working with that particular age group or population.  告诉他们你的时间表和预算.  Discuss other things to help you both decide if a partnership will be successful. 

步骤4: One you and a teaching artist decide it is a good fit, start the real planning!

Use 创意优势 合作伙伴hip tools to plan the learning objectives, 范围, 你的合作计划和预算. 


任何合作伙伴, who is being paid to provide a program or service for students, 家庭, 或员工, 在服务开始前必须与2024欧洲杯竞猜签订个人服务合同. Allow at least two weeks prior to beginning work at the school or with the staff.

所有表格均可在 卫生及公共服务署社区伙伴关系网站.




“创意优势”是2024欧洲杯竞猜的一项计划,旨在确保每所学校都是艺术丰富的学校,每个学生都有机会通过艺术学习.  学校艺术团队是必不可少的策略.  艺术队由学校领导领导.  Year one is a planning year and the following years are implementation years.  一旦实施开始, 我们建议学校领导和艺术团队选择一名艺术团队协调员来安排和促进团队会议,并协调学校内的艺术合作伙伴关系.   In the first year, 创意优势 provides a stipend to the coordinator.


  1. Schedule and facilitate 3-5 school arts team meetings during the school year.
  2. 参加11月初的培训,学习:
    1. 如何规划和协调艺术合作,
    2. How to contract with arts partners from the Creative Advantage roster
    3. Best practices of co-planning for teachers and teaching artists.
    4. Using an equity lens to make decisions about arts in your school
  3. 与Creative Advantage员工一起参加1月和5月的2次艺术团队协调员plc会议,与同事分享经验, 讨论潜在的改进, and provide feedback on school-based programs to Creative Advantage staff.
  4. 在Creative Advantage员工的支持下, 与艺术团队和学校员工协调,选择创意优势资助的艺术合作伙伴(艺术整合和/或员工PD),并作为艺术合作伙伴的初始联络点.
  5. 报告合作伙伴关系-合作伙伴,小时数,学生服务于创意优势项目经理
  6. 联络我们的评估小组,即BERC小组,以便:
    1. 在学校安排年度观察和焦点小组,以评估创造性优势对学校社区的有效性和影响.
    2. Complete an annual School Arts Inventory for your school (May/June)
    3. 鼓励学校员工每年完成21世纪技能态度和信念调查


  • 艺术团队协调员必须是SPS员工.
  • May be appointed by principal or selected by school arts team. 
  • 校长也可以担任团队领导/协调员
  • 表现出良好的人际关系和组织能力,协调学校员工和艺术伙伴之间的关系


  • Average 20 hours of additional work during the school year
  • “创意优势”项目已经获得了国家能源局的拨款,以支持在东南地区的实施.  因此,我们可以提供500美元的津贴,以补偿协调员额外的工作时间.  Stipend will be paid in June, 2020, upon completion of responsibilities.