Seattle Public Schools






  • develop a healthy identity
  • manage emotions
  • achieve goals
  • show empathy
  • have supportive relationships
  • make responsible decisions

SEL Promotes Welcoming Schools

SPS支持社会情绪学习作为我们努力创造的一部分 welcoming schools尤其是对那些远离教育公平的学生.

  • 我们希望所有学生都能感受到自己的价值, welcomed, 在学校也很安全,所以他们更有可能参与, stay in school and learn.
  • 当教育者与学生和家庭建立积极的关系时, 我们的年轻人在学业上更成功.
  • 我们的学校努力满足学生的文化需求, social, emotional, 以及行为需求,让他们有归属感和幸福感.

SEL Starts at Home

家庭是孩子的第一任老师. As children grow, parents and families continue to support the social emotional lives of their children in the home.

SEL continues at school. 学校是另一个提供学习情感机会的环境, show empathy for others, and contribute to the community.

Why focus on SEL at school? 当学生与老师产生共鸣时, peers, and school, 他们大脑中的学习网络变得更加强大. 情感和关系都可以激励学生参与学习, or, if unmanaged, interfere with learning, memory, and positive behaviors. Decades of research tells us that social emotional skills are critical to both academic learning and to the competencies our children will need to be successful in career and civic life. 孩子的社会情感发展在父母和家庭的支持下是最好的, schools, 社区合作伙伴都在一起工作.

SEL continues in the community. Community institutions play an essential role in supporting healthy child development and in allowing student learning to continue across the many settings in which children learn.


Everyday SEL at Home

用一系列的感受和需求来应对这段时间的挑战是很正常的. We hope the 3 simple tips below might help create daily routines for supporting your household’s wellness.


Be an Emotion Scientist

注意自己的感受会让你更容易做出要做什么的选择. Practicing this skill every day helps us notice how we feel in times of stress so we can make choices we feel good about.

Say how you feel! 弄清楚你觉得你可以关注什么:

  • How your body feels
  • Your thoughts
  • Your emotions


Set Goals and Celebrate

Persevering, learning from mistakes, 关注有效的方法可以帮助我们完成我们需要完成的事情. 庆祝让事情变得更有趣!

  • Set goals with the help of the adults you’re with and celebrate accomplishing those goals!
  • 每天想想你想做的一件事,比如做家务, an outside activity, or a learning activity.
  • 当你做这件事的时候,注意到你正在完成你的目标!
  • 通过告诉自己你做得很好来庆祝.
  • 在你没有完成目标的日子里,原谅自己,改天再试!

Solve Problems with Kindness


当你玩和学习的时候会有问题. 困难给了你一个做“最好的自己”的机会. 要做最好的自己,你和你身边的成年人可以:

  • Notice how you and others feel
  • Listen to other people’s ideas
  • 善意地说出你的想法并寻求帮助.

When you are being your “best self” you and the people around you might feel better and have more fun!

Elementary: 2nd – 3rd Grade

Be an Emotion Scientist

注意自己的感受会让你更容易做出要做什么的选择. Practicing this skill every day helps us notice how we feel in times of stress so we can make choices we feel good about.

每天一次,说出你对自己或对周围人的感受. 为了弄清楚你的感受,你可以观察:

  • How your body feels
  • Your thoughts
  • Your emotions

你和你在一起的人可以使用情绪测量器来帮助了解你的感受. 注意是否说出你的感觉改变了你的感觉.

Set Goals and Celebrate

Persevering, learning from mistakes, 关注有效的方法可以帮助我们完成我们需要完成的事情. 庆祝让事情变得更有趣!

  • 你可能有家务、功课和体育活动要做.
  • 每天为自己设定一到两个目标. 例子是阅读或移动你的
    body for 20 minutes.
  • 制定一个计划来完成你的目标,写下你什么时候去做.
  • 当你完成目标时,告诉自己你做得很好,以此来庆祝!
  • 在你没有完成目标的日子里,原谅自己,再试一次!

Solve Problems with Kindness


在你玩耍、工作和学习的过程中,总会有问题. 困难给了你一个做“最好的自己”的机会. To be your best self you can:

  • Notice how you and others feel
  • Listen to other people’s ideas
  • 善意地说出你的想法并寻求帮助

如果你感到不安,你可能需要花点时间暂停一下. 这将有助于你和善地说话,对你周围的人有同理心.

When you are being your “best self” you can do two important things: solve the problem and feel proud of being kind. 你和你周围的人在一起也会有更多的乐趣!

Elementary: 4th – 5th Grade

Be an Emotion Scientist

注意自己的感受会让你更容易做出要做什么的选择. Practicing this skill every day helps us notice how we feel in times of stress so we can make choices we feel good about.

每天一次,意识到自己的感受. Observe:

  • Your body sensations
  • Your thoughts
  • Your emotions

你和你在一起的人可以使用情绪测量器来帮助了解你的感受. 考虑一下你的感受是如何影响你的行为的. 决定你是想保持现在的感觉,还是换一种不同的感觉. 决定你要做什么来保持或改变你的感觉.

Set Goals and Celebrate

Persevering, learning from mistakes, 关注有效的方法可以帮助我们完成我们需要完成的事情. 庆祝让事情变得更有趣!

  • 你可能有家务、功课和体育活动要做 and you get to set goals and create plans to get it all done.
  • 每周设定2-3个目标,制定完成目标的计划.
  • 写下你的目标和你每天要做的任务. 你可能会计划什么时候做清单上的事情.
  • Celebrate each time you complete a task on your plan by telling yourself you’re making great progress!
  • 当你没有完成一项任务时,原谅自己然后重新开始.
  • Celebrate when you accomplish your week’s goals by noticing how you feel and reflecting on what you did well!
  • 与周围的人分享你的成就!

Solve Problems with Kindness


在你玩耍、工作和学习的过程中,总会有问题. 困难给了你一个做“最好的自己”的机会. To be your best self you can:

  • 通过说出你的感受并对他人感同身受来注意你和他人的感受
  • Listen to other people’s ideas
  • 善意地说出你的想法并寻求帮助. You might use “I statements” such as, “I feel frustrated because I want a turn, can I please go next?或者“我不明白,你能给我解释一下吗??”

如果你感到不安,你可能需要花点时间暂停一下. 记住那些对你帮助最大的策略. 他们可能正在深呼吸, getting a drink of water, 或者告诉自己你可以做困难的事情.

When you are being your “best self” you can do two important things: solve the problem and feel proud of yourself for being kind. 你可能会学到一些关于什么有助于解决家庭问题,什么没有.

You can keep track of what works and practice those things alone or with the people around you. Being your “best self” and solving problems with kindness will help you have more fun and feel better with people at home.


当你理解自己的感受时,你就在发展自我意识. 这将帮助你识别情绪紧张的来源, 你是如何受到影响的,最重要的是, how to positively manage stress.

每天通过对自己或他人的情绪检查来监控你的情绪. 谈谈你的感受和原因,并努力给这些情绪贴上标签. Recognize how you demonstrate these feelings through your body and thoughts so that you can increase your self-awareness

Recognize your personal triumphs in how you are dealing with your moods and emotions during this time. 与他人交流有助于你获得灵感的技巧或习惯.

如果你感到焦虑或沮丧,可以和一个值得信赖的成年人谈谈, 或者如果你意识到你认识的人正在经历一段艰难的时光.

提高你在学校和社会中的自我意识, write down or have a conversation with a friend of family member involving how you describe your individual identity.


When you set goals you are sending the message to your heart and brain that you are willing to accomplish things. No matter the goal, 重要的是你认识到自己的努力并庆祝自己的成功. 

每天或每周设定1-2个现实的目标,让你有成就感. 把这些写下来,或者和那些对你负责的人分享.

目标的例子可以是学术性的, 比如在线阅读或完成数学题, 每天锻炼20分钟, or assisting with chores.
When setting goals, reflect upon your identity, 如上述自我意识范畴所述 & Emotions. 你的身份如何引导你的目标,以及你实现目标的能力和资源? 写下或讨论你需要什么支持来达到你的目标. Discuss with a friend or trusted adult as to how to develop a plan to accomplish the goals you set.

当你达到目标时,奖励自己,庆祝一下! 当你不这样做的时候,练习自我同情和宽恕,但要始终坚持下去!


Solving problems with clear communication and kindness ensures that everyone gives and receives respect.

记住,与他人发生问题或争吵是生活中正常的一部分. 练习积极、一致的沟通,并以解决问题为中心.

Focus on positive self-talk and practicing kindness and patience when solving personal or social problems.

Think about researching empathy and how differences between folks from different backgrounds may contribute to how a problematic situation is viewed. 为什么有些人可能不理解其他人的看法? Write or talk about or discuss positive ways that students and adults can see things from other perspectives to foster empathy, respect, and value diversity.

For example, perhaps two individuals are reacting differently to what is going on in the world right now, 一个生气,一个害怕. 这两个人需要花时间去探索为什么对方会有这样的感觉, 深入挖掘,试图理解其他观点.

Conflict resolution is about finding solutions and not about changing someone’s view to match yours. 当你们意见不一致时,

High School: 自我意识和你的情绪

当你理解自己的感受时,你就在发展自我意识. 这将帮助你识别情绪紧张的来源, 你是如何受到影响的,最重要的是, how to positively manage stress.

通过对自己或他人的情绪检查来监控你的情绪. 谈谈你的感受和原因,并努力给这些情绪贴上标签. 认识到你是如何表达你的感受的,这样你就可以提高你的自我意识. 注意是什么触发了你的负面情绪,比如新闻媒体. Consider limiting those things.

每天花点时间思考一下自己. 您可以通过多种方式来实现这一点. 一个建议是在家里找一个安静的地方, sit comfortably, and practice deep breathing, 注意你的五种感官的体验. Mindfulness can help keep you focused and less distracted when you fully commit to the task at hand, such as mindfully exercising.

通过反思你的身份(例如:自我意识)来探索你的自我意识的深度. race/ethnicity, culture, gender, sexuality, social class, or disability) has impacted your identity.

Be sure to reach out to a trusted adult if feelings of sadness interfere with your daily routines, 因为这些可能表明更严重的事情正在发生.


When you set goals you are sending the message to your heart and brain that you are willing to accomplish things. No matter the goal, 重要的是你认识到自己的努力并庆祝自己的成功. 

Set 2-3 daily or weekly goals that fuel your academic, social, emotional, and physical well-being. 考虑和你的家人或朋友一起用应用程序建立一个问责小组. 不要害怕把事情简单化!

把你的优势和目标联系起来,这样你就能保持动力. 认识到自己的局限性和需要改进的地方. If you are disorganized, 考虑一下设定目标,比如打扫房间和帮忙做家务. 如果你有弟弟妹妹, 试着帮助他们设定自己的目标,或者一起朝着同一个目标努力.
当你达到目标时,奖励自己,庆祝一下, 但如果你不练习自我同情和宽恕, but always persevere.

写信或与朋友或信任的成年人讨论你的身份, 如上述自我意识范畴所述 & Emotions. 你的身份如何影响目标的发展? Write or discuss what support you need in overcoming obstacles and make a plan that you feel empowers you to accomplish the goals you set.


Solving problems with clear communication and kindness ensures that everyone gives and receives respect.

与他人发生冲突是生活中很自然的一部分. Work on effectively communicating with others when conflict arises and do so keeping in mind the words you choose and keeping them clear and kind. 保持对自己和他人的尊重!

Think about a problem you may have had or that you see as problematic based on identities. 研究人们可能有这些看法的原因. 试着列一个清单,列出人们如何积极支持解决这些问题.

Consider how you and others may view problems based on your experiences within your self-defined identity, 通过别人对你的看法. Think about discrimination and stereotypes, as well as expressions of tolerance and kindness. 写下或讨论如何以友善和开放的态度解决问题, 尊重他人的谈话.

当涉及到解决问题时,将善良与更高的目标联系起来. 讲自己的故事,听别人讲. How are your stories the same? Different? 与他人分享自己的故事是培养同理心和联系的好方法.

You may want to ask yourself how you can connect kindness to other problems you’re trying to solve. 利用公民参与是人们试图解决更大问题的一种常见方式. 如何用善良来解决问题, while leaving others with hope, agency, and connections?

当你在自己或他人身上遇到问题时, be sure to identify solutions that keep you and others safe and avoid bringing further emotional or physical harm.

SEL at School

社交情感技能是模式化的, taught, 并在学校里通过四种方法练习: 

  • 创造安全和温馨的氛围 
  • 促进公平和归属感的课堂实践 
  • 将SEL融入学术的教学实践
  • Stand-Alone SEL Skills Lessons 

Social Emotional Skills

我们专注于六种SEL技能 西澳公共教育监督办公室, including:

  1. Self-Awareness
    Identify one’s emotions, personal assets, areas for growth, 以及潜在的外部资源和支持
  2. Self-Management
  3. Self-Efficacy
  4. Social Awareness
    Taking the perspective of and empathizing with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures
  5. Social Management
  6. Social Engagement
    Considering others and showing a desire to contribute to the well-being of school and community

SEL Programs
